So now it’s Sashi Brown in control of the 53-man roster? (Browns Daily Dose with Steve King)

Sashi Brown is a smart guy. His resume tells us so.

 And he’s a good guy. Those who know him tell us so.


But just because a guy knows everything carpentry and helps little old ladies across the street, does it make him qualified to be the general contractor on the house you’re building.

 In a word, no.

 This is what raced through my mind with the news that Brown, formerly the legal eagle for the Browns, now has the final say on the 53-man roster as part of the sweeping front-office changes the club announced Sunday night.

 Had I written this piece last night, or this morning, I would have blasted the Browns for giving so much power and say-so to an attorney. Bill Belichick is a great football coach, but I don’t want him defending me in court.


 Just sayin’.

 However, time changes you, which is a nice way of saying that as you get older, you become smart enough to think before you talk. When you sleep on an issue, you somehow become wiser overnight.

 I still think that what Browns owner Jimmy Haslam has done in rearranging his organization is ill-conceived and destructive, and will end up biting him. I would almost be willing to bet on it. You can’t hire the head coach and then the general manager, and have both of them answer to the legal guy.

 Bad move – on paper, at least.

 But I’m going to withhold judgment and give this plan a chance. Really. It’s the only thing fair thing to do.

 Why? It’s simple. The expansion-era Browns have tried all kinds of ways any number of times to get themselves on track. It’s been 17 seasons, and they still haven’t gotten it right.

 As such, maybe – just maybe – with the unconventional plan they’ve come up with this time, they’ve stumbled upon something that will be cutting-edge – the wave of the future – in the NFL.

 Or maybe they’re simply trying to re-invent the wheel, which is never a good idea.

 We’ll just have to wait and see.

 Yes, we do have to wait and see. The man who owns the team is doing it, and he didn’t ask any of us for advice before doing so.

 But this much we know at the point: Haslam had better be right, or the criticism he’s getting now will seem like praise compared to what would leveled against him.

