Focus on Family, Not Football

Focus on Family



I always do this.

Every holiday – or special day – I do this.

And in doing so, I go back to the premise of this site, Browns Daily Dose that you will see something different from everywhere else on the web when you come here. That is, either the subject matter is different, or the angle on it — the thought on it – is different. It will definitely be different in that it can be set apart. It stands alone.

 Sunday is Easter, the biggest holiday of the year for Christians.

So, if you have faith, or are you looking to find it, this is a day to, for 24 hours, forget about the Browns, the NFL and football. It is instead a time, then, to focus on your family and those other people around you.

And even if you have no faith and aren’t interested in finding any, Sunday is also the day to do the same thing as the faith gang by putting this Browns stuff on the back burner and focusing on those people in your circle. It is, after all, … well, Sunday, the so-called day of rest and the perfect time at any time of the year, really, to kick back, relax and be a people person.

Am I serious? Heck, yes, I’m serious. I am as serious as I can be.

Sports – and that includes even the Browns and the rest of the football world – are a diversion, Yes, you like following the Browns, I like following them, and we all like following them. But at the end of the day, they are not the end. Rather, they are only a means to an end.

The end – the end-all, be-all – is your family, your friends, your neighbors and everyone else who means anything to you.

That’s especially true now, what with the world – and everybody in it, including you and I – being thrown into a crisis with this coronavirus pandemic. The only way any of us are going to get through this is if we all get through it, together.

To make that happen, we have to reach out and connect with those around us – not so much literally, of course, with all the requisite social distancing, but figuratively by checking with, and on, people, letting them know you care about them and are there if they need anything, anytime, anywhere.

Then on Monday, we’ll all get back at it with the Browns, the NFL and football. Indeed, we need to do so, for there is a whole heckuva lot going on with all that.
