Your team’s health is its wealth

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A few thoughts on a few things:

*When Bill Belichick was head coach of the Browns, he used to say all the time, “Your ability is your availability.” I never quite understood what he meant by that, but as with most things Belichick says, it is right on point. Two young and talented Browns, Greedy Williams and Grant Delpit, are turning out to be draft flops simply because they can’t stay on the field. They keep getting hurt. It’s a shame for them, and a bigger shame for the Browns because they’re losing out on a couple players who could really help them. Remember wide receiver Lawyer Tillman? The Browns’ second-round pick in 1989 washed out simply because his body was brittle. His bones kept breaking.

*Yes, it was just a preseason game — the only one the Browns will play at home this year — but it counts a bit — or perhaps even a bit more than that — that they won it, 17-13 over the New York Football Giants last Sunday. Teams need to win their home games come the regular season. They need to make their stadium that opponents hate to visit. After all, teams will play eight or nine of their games at home this season. The Browns did a good job of that last year, and they will need to do it again this season if they intend to get to where they want to go. Winning Sunday, even though it doesn’t count, was a step in the right direction in that regard.

*I heard two Cleveland radio sports talk show hosts — whom I really like — the other morning as they laughed about having to take time to discuss Browns kickers. To them, it was as if they were breaking down the ball boys or the members of the chain game. Let me be clear in saying that kickers are a really big deal for any team, such as the Browns, who want to be a really big deal. In fact, special teams overall are extremely important. If you think that’s funny, then you’re just kidding yourself. The joke’s on you. I just hope it’s not on the Browns, but it will be if they can’t find the man — Chase McLaughlin, perhaps? — who will make their kicking a weapon, not a hold-your-breath moment.

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