Why Seattle?

Cleveland Browns helmet logo

The Browns are playing the Seahawks in Seattle on Saturday in the preseason finale.


There is nothing more quickly forgotten in the NFL than the last preseason game. It’s been that way for decades.

The preseason is the opening act. The regular season is the main event. By this point, everybody has grown weary of watching the opening act. It’s time to start the show everybody has come to see.

Having said that, then, Seattle is a long way from Cleveland. Couldn’t the Browns have found an opponent close by to play instead of flying two-thirds of the way across the country?

For a long time, the expansion-era Browns have played the Detroit Lions or Chicago Bears in the last preseason game. It takes no time at all to get home from those two cities, so the Browns didn’t have to waste a long flight and instead they were able to get back quickly to start getting ready for the regular season.

By the way things have gone thus far in the preseason, the Browns have a lot to do to get ready for the games that count..

Going down into the most southern part of West Virginia to start preparation for the season was a great idea. Playing in the Great Northwest is a bad way to end it.

Steve King
