Aaron Goldhammer, a host on WKNR-AM, Cleveland’s ESPN radio affiliate, can be irritating at times.
More specifically, he can be very, very irritating at times – a lot of times, really, if not most times– so much so that you want to crawl into your radio and wring his neck.
Despite all that, though, he does have some solid sports knowledge, even if it gets lost under the cloud of his pompous, condescending attitude. And that knowledge came out on Saturday morning when, in a remote broadcast from the NFL Combine in Indianapolis, he made a compelling case for the Browns trading up at the top of the NFL Draft in two months.
Trading up?
Because the Browns have traded up in the beginning of the draft in recent seasons about as often as there has been a parade in Cleveland to honor Art Modell – that would be never in both cases – it’s not something that’s been readily discussed, if discussed at all until Goldhammer astutely mentioned it.
As he proposed it, the Browns would keep the No. 1 overall pick and take their next pick, at No. 4 overall, and combine it with No. 33, the first choice in the second round, and whatever else was necessary – if anything else was indeed necessary – to get the No. 2 selection. In that way, then, they would have the first two picks in the draft and, theoretically, would get the two best players available. It would enable them to get their much-needed franchise quarterback and Penn State running back Saquon Barkley, whose stock, while already very high entering the combine, has risen even more with how he has performed in Indianapolis.
Goldhamer said – and correctly so – that the Browns don’t need a bunch more young players. They already have enough of them – perhaps too may, really. So why not take some of their excess of picks in this draft, package them together and get two players who, if they pan out, could shift – and lift – the path of the franchise all by themselves?
Extremely interesting, don’t you think?