The haters are going to hate, as they say.
There is nothing than anyone can do about it, for it is just the way that some people choose to live their lives, not just in regards to sports but overall.
I will never, however, count myself as one of them. Life is too short for something as silly and negative.
The haters are spewing their venom right now at the Kansas City Chiefs because . . . they win too much. They are trying to capture the Super Bowl for a record third straight time. In a country that was built on success and winning, that’s sad, and misguided.
That — the celebration of excellence — is exactly why I root for them now, have rooted for them throughout this run and will continue to root for them as long as the winning lasts.
If it were in Major League Baseball, where there is essentially no parity, then I wouldn’t be rooting for the Chiefs because they wouldn’t be winning. They are in a small market, and the small markets have no way to compete on a year-to-year basis in that league.
In the NBA, there is much more parity than in MLB, but still not as much as the NFL, which has bent over backwards to make sure that the Packers, located in pro sports’ smallest market of Green Bay, which is roughly half the size of Akron, have the same rules, economically and otherwise, to compete with the New York Giants and Jets, the Los Angeles Rams and Chargers and the Chicago Bears.
So, then, why have the Chiefs been able to separate themselves from the pack?
Steve King