Browns General Manager John Dorey is a guy who always thinks out of the box. He’s not afraid to take the road less traveled.
It’s what has made him so successful in acquiring talent.
With that, then, considering the Browns’ big-time troubles with their kickers, Austin Seibert and Greg Joseph, I wonder if Dorsey has considered – or would ever consider – trying to coax Phil Dawson out of retirement?
Dawson, of course, recently retired as a Brown and said he is at peace with his decision. On the surface, that sounds good. It makes sense. If that is what it turns out to be, then great. Everybody can live with it.
But Dawson has some kicks left in that right leg of his. He could kick – and kick well — right now. There’s no question about that.
Dawson got to play in just one postseason game in his long career with thee Browns. The hope is that they will make it back to the playoffs for the first time since that long-ago 2002 season.
But just to get to the postseason, let alone advance in it, the Browns are going to have to have better kicking. Do you think Seibert, or Joseph, can make a pressure kick, especially on the road, to win a big game? No, I don’t, either.
Dawson did not leave Cleveland of his own accord. He was allowed to walk in free agency, with nary an offer from the Browns, following the 2012 season. It was yet another brilliant move by the dim-witted duo of Browns President Joe Banner and his sidekick, General Manager Mike Lombardi. They had no idea what they were doing, and the team’s kicking has never recovered.
Would Dawson like to come back, write his final chapter with the Browns the way he wants to, and help the team reach for the stars this year?
I think it’s certainly worth not just a phone call to Dawson, but some aggressive prodding, too, especially when you consider what’s at stake.