I’m probably not unlike all of you.
I think I know a little about football, especially the Browns.
So I feel comfortable forming opinions about both.
That doesn’t make me smart, perhaps just opinionated, which, I shiuld point out, you have to be to work as a sportswriter.
But I’m smart enough to realize that when I run across someone I know is smarter than me about certain subjects, even football and the Browns, I humbly defer to their expertise. I really do.
And if you read this space regularly, then you know I think that the smartest football writer anywhere is Sports Illustrated’s Peter King. Nobody else is even close.
So when I saw what King wrote about Browns head coach Hue Jackson this week in his popular “Monday Morning Quarterback” column on sportsillustrated.com, I took full notice and stopped dead in my tracks.
In the part of the column entitled, “Ten Things I Think I Think” – that’s usually the best part of “MMQB” every week – King wrote in item No. 6:
“I think this is totally crazy to say, but the Browns could go 1-31 over Hue Jackson’s first two seasons, and I would stand staunchly behind the decision to bring him back for year three.”
Yes, you read that correctly. The smartest – and best – pro football writer anywhere stated:
“I think this is totally crazy to say, but the Browns could go 1-31 over Hue Jackson’s first two seasons, and I would stand staunchly behind the decision to bring him back for year three.”
Speaking of staunchly, I had been staunchly behind keeping Jackson as head coach for 2018. But then I began wavering, in no small measure because of some of the things he has done and said in recent weeks.
With that having been said, then, maybe I need to re-think my re-thinking, because if keeping Hue is among the “Ten Things That The Other King Thinks He Thinks,” then I think that’s what the Browns ought to think seriously about doing.
Since your opinion counts to me and I truly care what you think, what do you think?