The worst story in the NFL

Cleveland Browns helmet logo

The accusations against Browns rookie defensive tackle Michael Hall Je. are about as bad as it gets.

Indeed, it is the worst story in the NFL right now.

We don’t need to restate those accusations here — you know what they are — but if they are true, then the Browns have to get rid of him.

There is no place for that anywhere in our society, including in an NFL locker room.

It doesn’t matter that Hall, a product of nearby Streetsboro High School and Ohio State, was the Browns‘ top pick in the NFL Draft nearly four months ago, in the third round at No. 54 overall.

It doesn’t matter that Hall was really progressing and would’ve come very close to being a starter by opening day.

It doesn’t matter that the Browns need good, young defensive linemen

None of this matters.

What matters is who you are as a person, and if Hall is doing something like this, then he is a threat to society, especially to his girlfriend and children. 

It’s a sad situation all the way around. He needs professional help, and here’s hoping he gets it.

No one can worry about what this is going to do to the Browns, although many will. The stakes are much, much bigger than that.

If the Browns can’t expect him to act in a decent manner outside of football, then they can’t expect him to do it inside of the game, either.

He has let everyone down, his family, the Browns and, most importantly, himself.

Steve King
