What is Haslam Thinking?

Full disclosure here, but I’m not the businessman that Jimmy Haslam is.In fact, that bar is set pretty low in that regard because I’m not…

No Victory Parade

There was no victory parade, victory celebration or victory anything for the 1964 Browns, the last club in franchise history to capture a league championship.It…

Being Scary Good

It was 1994, a year after Lawrence Taylor’s retirement from football, and the media people covering the Browns were told that the Pro Football Hall…

The Scary Good

Scary.And good.Scary good.Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the Kansas City Chiefs.They are scary. No one wants to play them. Oh, they may say they do, but…

Formula for winning?

Why are the Browns losing?It’s not hard at all to figure out.They have arguably the worst quarterback situation in the NFL, and quarterback is the…