Some thoughts on head coach Hue Jackson’s veiled but harsh criticism of the Browns’ rebuilding plan – and Executive Vice President of Football Operations Sashi Brown – on Monday:
*While I love Hue’s honesty, sometimes it’s the better part of valor to keep your mouth shut and just take one for the team – at least publicly. This only served to add to the perception of total dysfunction that people have of the Browns, and rightfully so.
*But I understand what Hue is trying to say, for while Sashi can sit up in the box on Sundays and remove himself from the fray, Hue is on the field watching a two-year record of 1-25 being attached to his resume. Perhaps if Sashi had gotten some of the players Hue wanted in the NFL Draft, then the coach would be more om board with what’s going on.
*Aside from that sideshow, though, I was always – and still am – in favor of the plan. It needed to be done a long time ago. Instead of these piecemeal rebuilds that they’ve tried to do, the Browns needed to tear it completely down to the bare walls and start over. That they are finally doing that is good. It was never going to be easy or painless – just the opposite, really — but it was oh, so necesary.
*So what’s the problem? It is that Sashi has bypassed players, especially quarterbacks, in the NFL Draft who Hue wanted. Hue’s a smart guy, and a quarterback guy. He knows that for the rebuild to work, the Browns have to have a good quarterback. The process doesn’t start until that happens. Sashi says he also understands that, but his actions prove otherwise.
*What’s the solution, then? I don’t know what Jimmy is going to do – I sense he might blow it all up as soon as the season is over – but I hope that if he fires someone, it’s only Sashi and not also Hue. As I’ve written many times, I think Hue is a good coach and, because of his patience and knowledge of quarterbacks and offense, I think he is the right guy to steer the on-field portion of this rebuild.