Not playing hard enough

Cleveland Browns helmet logo

I wasn’t making it up.

I don’t make anything up. That would be dishonest. It would be unprofessional. It would be cheating you, our readers, and myself

So, when I wrote the other day that I saw a Browns player quit on special teams in the season-opening 33–17 loss to the Dallas Cowboys, I meant it.

Browns special teams coordinator Bubba Ventrone verified what I saw when he said the other day that some players on his units were not playing hard enough. That’s a nice way of saying that they were lazy and quit.

Shame on those players for taking the big paycheck they get from the NFL and not playing hard. Anybody can play hard. You just have to have the responsibility and pride to do it.

That is a real problem in several different ways. First of all, it’s the first game of the year and players aren’t giving it their sll? You’ve got to be kidding me! Yes, it’s on the players, but moreso it’s on the Browns coaches and player personnel people for selecting players like that. Their player evaluation process must be all out of whack, and they need to change it dramatically.

Steve King
