The sound you heard at noon Sunday was not a sonic boom.
It was the collective jaw-drop of every Browns fan in Northeast Ohio when the club did the seemingly impossible and signed All-Pro defensive end Myles Garrett to a long llcontract extension.
Nobody really saw that coming. You would have thought there would be a combined Steelers-Ravens fans expo on Public Square before Garrett being locked up in Cleveland for the remainder of his career.
Nobody has been harder on the Browns than me, for a variety of reasons. It seems as if everything they’ve been doing was wrong.
Now, with this, it just may be that the tide is turning and things will creep back slowly, but surely in a positive direction. We have to wait and see if that will happen, but after today, the chances for it to occur have grown dramatically.
Give the movers and shakers in Berea all the credit in the world. Nobody believed in them, but they believed in themselves to get this thing done. And that’s all that matters.
Steve King