This site,, is billed as a place where you, our readers, can go each day and find 300-500 words about the Browns that they will find interesting, intriguing, entertaining and/or enlightening.


We’re never going to write what you can find at other sites. Why would be? You’ve already read all that.


So to keep you coming to our site, we have to stand out and be different. That’s our niche. It’s that way with every site, every publication, every business. That – finding your part of the world and trying to be as good at it as you can be – is what keeps a business afloat.


And that niche is never better than when it’s something you never expected.


Perhaps today is one of those days.


Sunday was a key day in my life, as it marked the 28th anniversary of the passing of my mom.


I mention this only because the story of my relationship with her may also be yours with your mom.


My dad is the person from whom I got my love for sports. He was about the same age as the players on those first Browns teams 70 years ago, and as such I was weaned on stories of those men and those clubs. And ever since, I have tried to further my education on not only the early Browns, but also every team, every player, every coach and every season in the history of the franchise. Ditto for the Indians and Ohio State. I would have also included the Cavaliers except for the fact that they weren’t born until I entered high school.


But little boys always spend more time with their moms than with their dads while growing up. They just do. It was true way back then, and it’s still true now. It will probably remain so forever.


Realizing that, then, while it was my dad who started the sports fire within me and kept fueling it countless times through the years, even into adulthood, it was my mom, with whom I had so much more interaction, who facilitated it on a daily basis simply by not getting in the way.


My mom knew very little about sports, other than I liked them. She couldn’t have named any of the players on the Browns and Indians. But she knew I knew them – and liked them – and so she did her best to clear the way for me to pursue that passion. Without that, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now.


I think about that often. Sadly, I never thanked her for, once again, putting her own interests aside in favor of mine.


I hope she’s listening now.


As for the Browns and their pursuit of a quarterback and other players who can help them get out of the mess they’re in, we’ll get back to that with our next post. We hope this was a nice, little break from all that.
