This one is a stunner.
And it’s wrong, wrong, wrong.
The New Orleans Saints reportedly have – or at least had – some interest in former Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel. And all the while, Colin Kaepernick sits and waits … and waits and waits for the phone to ring, but hears only crickets.
Let’s get this right out front: Manziel is a knucklehead, pure and simple. When you look up the word in the dictionary, there’s a photo of him sitting on a pink inflatable swan in a swimming pool.
He is as irresponsible and unreliable as they come. He lacks morals and any sort of mature, level-headed thinking at any time.
For a football team, he is a train wreck, the kind of teammate no one wants. Why? Because he proved with the Browns over and over and over again that he wasn’t all in. And in team sports, especially at the pro level, if you’re not all in, you’re all out. You have no place on the roster.
Saints head coach Sean Peyton must have gone mad. Perhaps he fell and hit his head and is confused.
Plus he gets an E — that’s an old-school F – in history. Did he not know – did he not hear – what happened in Cleveland over two seasons?
There’s no way any team should even whisper Manziel’s name in its facility.
As this is going on – or was going on, or whatever, and whenever, it turns out to be – Kaepernick gets nary a nibble. This is a guy who took the San Francisco 49ers to the Super Bowl and nearly won it.
Now let’s be honest here. He’s being ignored because of the fear teams have about the fallout from his refusal to stand for the national anthem at games. He wanted to make a point about what he feels is unfair treatment in this country for various races.
We can argue that opinion until the cows come home, but the fact remains that it is well within his rights to protest peacefully. As such, he is conducting his life is much better than Manziel, who has continually embarrassed himself, his friends and family and his teammates.
That, along with the fact Kaepernick’s credentials dwarf those of Manziel, adds up to a sad commentary about race relations in this country.
Neither guy can play, in my opinion, but the one who’s playing with fire may be getting a chance again. And if he does, then, instead of wrecking the league, he’ll have a chance to wreck his second team.