Let this be the real legacy of Dwayne Haskins’ passing

A day to remember Don Steinbrunner



We always say that Browns Daily Dose is a different kind of sports website, one on which you’re going to read things you don’t — and won’t — see anywhere else.

And this is one of those times when it’s especially evident.

The untimely passing of former Ohio State star quarterback Dwayne Haskins early Saturday morning shocked the sports world. A strong, athletic young man is not supposed to die just a month short of his 25th birthday, and as such it brought all kinds of written and verbal tributes.

Those were very well-deserved, as any Ohio State football fan — and there are tons of them particularly in these parts, but also elsewhere — will tell you.

But here’s a different kind of tribute, one that won’t fade away with time.

His passing — and that of all those who die way before their time — is, like a good friend of mine so aptly put it, “such a life lesson. There are no guaranteed days.”

Indeed, all of us, no matter what our age or situation, need to make it a point to cherish every day — really, ever breath — for you never know when it might be our last. If we don’t do anything else, do that every single day. Be thankful for the time. Feel blessed.

Don’t live your life being scared, and fearful, of that, though. Don’t fret about what might happen. Instead, just live each day to the fullest. Be happy and joyful. Be the best person you can be. Be selfless, patient, kind, loving, compassionate, helpful, faithful, generous, sympathetic, empathetic, responsible, forgiving, productive, understanding and benevolent.

In short, be an example to others of how to live.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, as they say. Save it for the big stuff, but keep in mind that in the grand scheme of things, almost every bit of it is small stuff.

In doing so, you will make sure that Dwayne Haskins — and others like him — won’t have died in vain, and that they will leave a lasting legacy for all of us to see and contemplate.
