
When Hue Jackson was hired as head coach a little over six months ago, one of the first things he set out to do was change the culture on the Browns.

He wanted players who wanted to be there and had positive, winning attitudes. They had to be selfless, hard-working, tough, determined and disciplined.

Because of that, he weeded out a lot of … well, weeds.

And rightfully so, for the Browns had way too many of lazy, selfish knuckleheads who were content to go through the motions to collect a paycheck.

You could say that wide receiver Josh Gordon has been a lazy, selfish knucklehead who was content to go through the motions and collect a paycheck. He has been a weed if there ever was one.

The fact he’s so talented – he’s one of the best wideouts in the game when he puts his mind to it – is why the Browns are giving him a chance to blossom into something more than a weed.

But if Gordon isn’t taking steps in that direction, and if Jackson thinks he will never be able to do that in the foreseeable future, then the coach will get rid of him in a New York minute and move on. He can’t allow Gordon to stick around and poison the rest of the team, especially all of those young, promising wide receivers he has added to the roster. It would negate much of the progress Jackson has made with the club since he arrived.

Indeed, it’s all about culture, and the sooner Josh Gordon understands that – the sooner he understands that things have changed inside Browns Headquarters in Berea — the better off he will be.
