Deshaun Watson disaster

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It didn’t take Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson long to do something stupid, and to dig himself into a hole deeper than he already was, and that was pretty deep.

Indeed, what was he thinking, and what were the people advising him thinking, when he went on a profanity-laced tirade in his press conference as training camp opened.

It could not have been a worse look for a guy who’s already had a lot of bad looks. We don’t need to go into all of that again, but it is there and it will stay there as long as he keeps trying to fight back in this manner.

He just needs to shut up and play football and win games and say and do the right things. He doesn’t need to be a knucklehead.

It looks bad on Watson, and it looks bad on the Browns. It also looks bad on owners Jimmy and Dee Haslam. They tried afterwards to explain it all away as if nothing had happened.

Yes, something did happen, and it was horrible. More than that, really, it was an unmitigated disaster.

Again, if Watson stays healthy, plays well and wins games, then all of this will be forgotten. But if he continues to struggle, and/or he gets hurt, then that opening presser will continue to haunt him. It will be the first vestage in a series of really bad things for the new season.

I want to be hopeful about Watson and his ability to help the Browns, actually not just help them, but lead them to where they want to go. But things like this keep me from going all in. They keep us all arm’s length, shaking our heads and wondering what’s next.

Remember, just as it can always get better, it can also always get worse.

Steve King
