With the record the Browns have had the last two seasons – 1-31, but who’s counting? – change was definitely needed.
The fans wanted it. The coaches wanted it. The front-office staff wanted it.
And, most importantly, owner Jimmy Haslam wanted it.
The Browns delivered. Oh, how they delivered.
They changed a lot with all of their trades on Friday and Saturday. They came in such rapid-fire fashion that while everyone was still getting their head around what had just happened, the next one arrived, and then the next and the next, as if they were being sent down some kind of conveyor belt.
Why the Browns picked Friday and Saturday to make those changes is anyone’s guess. Perhaps new General Manager John Dorsey will tell us the answer to that in his next press conference.
Now, were they the right changes? We don’t know that yet, either – one way or another. It remains to be seen.
But to stay pat wasn’t an option. If a team – any team, but especially one that is struggling, such as he Browns – does nothing, then it is going backward.
These are just the start. More changes – probably many more changes – are on the way. There may – or may not – be more before free agency officially begins next Wednesday, but once it starts, look for the Browns to attack early and often, and in a big sway. They have over $100 million to spend in free agency. They won’t use all of it, but what has occurred already is evidence that they will use a good portion of it.
And that’s a good idea. Actually, it’s a great idea, for in recent seasons, especially when Sashi Brown was here as executive vice president of football operations, the Browns refused to spend their money. It was frustrating. Why they did that is anyone’s guess.
But this team has a number of needs, not all of which can be met in the upcoming NFL Draft. Free agency has to be a big part of it, too.
That’s how free agency works, and it was meant to work that way. So hold on tightly, Browns fans. This should be a busy week and, hopefully, an exciting and hopeful one as well.