When it comes to big tv games, Browns on outside looking in
The NFL schedule is expected to be released Thursday, and, according to a story on cbssports.com, the Browns will not be part of any of the season’s top games from a TV time slot perspective.
That is disappointing, but hardly surprising.
The Browns right now are just another team stuck in the middle of the NFL somewhere, and in fact, if you had to put them in either the top or the bottom half of the league in terms of importance, they are probably at the top of the bottom half. That’s just the way it is. It’s what happens when, after all the hope inspired by the club’s playoff appearance in 2020, you follow it with two lackluster seasons.
The Browns have no one to blame but themselves for that. They mismanaged and miscalculated a lot of things these past two year, and as such did not take advantage of the momentum generated from that playoff berth.
The Browns can start getting some notoriety – – Cleveland is a great football town, especially when it comes to TV viewing of games; the ratings are always through the roof — but they have to start winning. It’s not good enough to come close in a lot of games. Rather, you have to win them, and you have to stay in the hunt for the postseason all the way through the schedule.
Until the Browns do that, nothing will change.
The TV people, the NFL and the fans around the country who root for the Browns are watching and waiting with their fingers crossed and their prayer books opened.
Steve King