So, the Browns, under new defensive coordinator Jim Schwartz, are now looking for tackles who play an attacking style, and it’s couched by some, including a few in the media, as some kind of revelation, like the club is making a breakthrough scheme that will turn the NFL upside down?
Are you kidding?
Are you really, truly kidding?
The rest of the teams in the league have employed this kind of tactic with their tackles for years. That the Browns are the last ones to the party is why former coordinator Joe Woods was fired and the club had the worst and most ineffective tackle play in the league over the last three years, and the worst in their history. It was abysmal. When you take athletes and ask them to do things that are not athletic, it is a recipe for disaster for all involved.
The Browns are going to try to draft and sign players who have that skill set and then they are going to be placed into a scheme that is geared to take advantage of it. It is not complicated. This is football. We’re not splitting the atom here.
Indeed, tell the defensive players to run as fast as they can toward the guy with the ball and tackle him.
Why the Browns players, particularly their tackles, were ever coached to do anything else is shocking, and a dereliction of duty by Wood and his assistants.
Steve King