A very poor choice

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All of pro sports — the leagues and the teams, including the NFL and the Browns — took a public relations and image hit the other day.

Perhaps you heard it, or heard about it, or have no idea what I’m referring to, but I was shocked and disappointed with the language used by JJ Redick, the new head coach of the NBA’s Los Angeles Lakers, during his introductory press conference.

He dropped the f-bomb — twice!



The Lakers are one of the most iconic franchises not just in the NBA but throughout pro sports overall, having an international brand, and as such, the press conference was broadcast live around the world, including to children of all ages.

Now, it’s hardly the first time that those kids have heard that world, but Redick’s usage of it — again, not once, but twice — helped with the continuing effort to mainstream it. We are our words, especially to those who don’t know us. So if we use poor language, particularly in a public venue, then we are displaying a lousy image of ourselves. That’s who people will think we are. What else are they to believe?

If Redick doesn’t have the requisite discipline to keep that kind of language behind closed doors, then you have to wonder if he has enough discipline to be a leader of men.

As adults, we have to be conscious, and wary, of not just what we say, but how, where and why we say it.

Steve King
